Check Lease End Date

Enter a postcode to check how long is left on a lease.

Use this service to instantly find out information about a leasehold property including the lease start date and expiry date.

Checking when a lease runs out on a property

You can use this service to find out when a lease starts and ends along with other details, such as if there is an alienation clause on the lease.

You’ll need to create a paid account to access this data.

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Registered leases

A lease gives a tenant the right to occupy a plot of land for a fixed term. Any leases longer than 7 years must be registered with HM Land Registry, but some shorter leases will also be registered.

A short lease could affect the value of a property, so it’s important to check how long is left on a lease when buying a leasehold property.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is left on my lease?

Enter the postcode of a property and select the address from the list to view registered leases. You’ll need to create a paid account to allow you to instantly check the details of a lease for a specific property.

How long does it take to check lease information for a property?

In most cases, you can view registered lease information instantly for a property after creating an account. In some cases, where we can’t find a matching lease, you can contact us to query this information manually.

How much does it cost to check the lease end date of a property?

You can use this service to check when a lease ends on a property. You can pay for access to our premium service for 30 days. Regular users or businesses can purchase a subscription for unlimited access to this data.

You should get advice from your local authority to confirm that you don’t need to get an EPC.

Why can’t I find registered lease information for a property?

In most cases, we’ll attempt to match registered leases to properties using the unique property reference number (UPRN) or postcode. In some cases, we won’t be able to find any matching leases for a leasehold property. When this happens, you can contact us directly to find the lease end date of a property.

Will buying a leasehold with a short lease affect the value of a property?

Leases which run out in less than 70 years could reduce the value of a property.

Why should I check the lease end date of a property?

When buying a leasehold property, checking the lease expiry date can help prevent issues with a short lease which could affect the value of a property. Using our lease end date service allows you to find out this information instantly to make a decision before proceeding to make an offer or paying for a solicitor.

What information do I need to check when a lease runs out?

You can check the lease end date of a property using just the postcode. Simply select the address from a list to view information about the property, for example, if it has a valid EPC, if it is freehold or leasehold and details of any leases registered to the property.