House Check

Enter the postcode to complete a free house check.

Find property information for properties in England and Wales.

Included Data

A house check includes multiple data fields free of charge:

  • Property Address
  • Build type (e.g. Detached or Semi-Detached etc.)
  • Floor Area*
  • Previous sold prices
  • Year of build
  • EPC data*
  • Estimated running costs*
  • Utilities*
  • Registered leases
  • Location map
  • Construction materials*

*Some fields are provided using EPC data which may not be available for all properties.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I complete a house check?

Enter the postcode of the property to complete a house check. You can instantly find publicly accessible information about properties in England and Wales.

How accurate is the house check data?

We’ll always aim to show the most accurate data where possible, however, house check data comes from a range of sources of public data. For this reason, there may sometimes be discrepancies or mistakes in this data. Please contact us to report any problems.

How do you find out when a building was constructed?

Enter the postcode and select the address to get an instant house check. When we have enough data available, an exact year of construction will be provided.

Where data is more limited, we may be able to provide an approximate year of build.

How do I check who owns a house?

You can find the names of a property owner by purchasing a title register from HM Land Registry.

The title register also includes other information such as if there is a mortgage on the property and details of any restrictive covenants or easements.