Search Land Registry

Enter a postcode to search land registry records.

Use this service to find land registry information for a property.

Included Data

You can use this service to search land registry records recorded back as far as 1995.

  • Find property information
  • Sold property prices
  • Average property prices by postcode
  • Energy performance data

Checking property ownership information

You can request a copy of a title register or title plan for £7 using the HM Land Registry online service.

You can request details of who owns a property and the boundaries by entering the address, even if you don’t own it.

Order a Title Plan

Frequently Asked Questions

What information does land registry hold?

HM Land Registry holds records of property and land sold in England and Wales, including price paid for properties and information about the tenure.

You can use this service to access freely available data from HM Land Registry.

What information is included in a title register?

A title register from land registry includes the name of the property owner, the price paid, rights of way and indicates if a mortgage has been discharged on the property or land.

What information is included in a title summary?

A title summary from land registry includes the name of the property owner, the price paid, the tenure (freehold or leasehold) and any mortgage lenders name and address.

You can use this service to check some of this information for free, including the price paid and tenure of the property. You can check this information for any property (even if you don’t own it) using just the address.

What information is included a title plan?

A title plan from land registry includes the property location and general boundaries.

You can request a copy of a title plan from HM Land Registry for a fee, but this is not considered proof of ownership.

How much does it cost to search land registry records?

A copy of the title register costs £3.

Property deeds could consist of multiple documents which are charged at £7 each.

What is the title number of a property?

The title number of a property is a unique number issued by Land Registry to indentify an individual property. You can find the title number by requesting a copy of the title register for Land Registry.